
Surficial is a Python library and CLI tools to support stream long-profile analysis and plotting.

The CLI displays matplotlib plots of showing long-profile or plan view maps. It is meant to be simple. It accepts as arguments a set of 2D or 3D stream centerlines, and optionally a elevation source. Optional arguments may include one or more point datasets to display on the profile, along with plot styles from a JSON file.

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To install from the Python Package Index:

pip install surficial

To install from Anaconda Cloud:

If you are starting from scratch the first thing to do is install the Anaconda Python distribution, add the necessary channels to obtain the dependencies and install surficial.

conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda install drapery surficial -c mrahnis

To install from the source distribution:

Execute the setup script in the surficial directory:

python install


Display usage information:

surficial --help
surficial profile --help
surficial plan --help
surficial network --help

Scripts may be run from the commandline like so:

surficial profile stream_ln.shp --surface elevation.tif --points terrace_pt.shp terrace --points feature_pt.shp features --styles styles.json

The above plots a long-profile from a set of stream centerlines (stream_ln.shp), and projects points onto the profile (terrace_pt.shp and feature_pt.shp), where the point styles (terrace and features) are read from styles.json.




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